失望, 生气, 悲傷, 快樂

When is the last time I have filled myself with 失望 and 生气? Let me think, ah, it was when my friend stole my key, and robbed my house……

Why will people lie? What will they get out of lying? I understand that sometimes people use lie to get out of trouble, but then they just end up with more lies to cover their first one………

Why will people love to think the world revolves around them? Why will people think I will help them when the only time they call me is when they needed help?

Mr. Volvo, at the beginning of the month it got hit by a pick up, and a week later it is totalled. It is been 10 years, and you were there when I first met my girl friend. You have taken us to many different places. Thank you for letting us fight, laugh, and cry in you………

Debbie always wanted a BMW, and we think this is a good time.

Here is our first BMW, a white 2009 328i CPO

The silver BMW is my friend’s 2007 335i

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