I AM BACK for a little bit…

So I was talking with friends about having/writing blogs. His view is NO, and hell no because personal life experiences is well PERSONAL. However, to me it is another way around, wiring blogs is not just about sharing life experiences, writing some killer post that everyone links to, or showing off some awesome gadgets. Having a blog is like having a digital notebook of what happened in my life, and when I get old I can show my stories to my kids, my grand kids, or heck even to myself….Laugh out loud

A note to myself, I hate beers, actually I HATE the taste of Alcohol……>_<

Second note, calamari steaks is better then calamari strips!

I remember I used to like CPK (California Pizza Kitchen), but I guess I have changed…..

Don’t wear socks with hole, it will be remembered….(btw, that is not me in the photo)

Sleepy heads in the 2 weeks going away party…(she is the one who is leaving)

This is what you get for sleeping in your OWN going away party….

hm…really? we all know you are fake……but hey we still go…

Haven’t see this for a long time….

Another note to myself, DON’T trust Alley…the crab noodle is not that good….

Babe wants me to take a picture of this nicely sky….

La Bonne Cafe Shop had some pretty good, and unique sandwiches…

My handsome god-son, and my best 豬朋狗友

He is funny….

3 thoughts on “I AM BACK for a little bit…

  1. Nice pictures! I especially like the last one. I agree with you about blogging. One of the main reasons I blog is so I can look back on it and laugh about everything 🙂

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